"What are you feeling?"
By Anonymous
Artist Statement:
Much of the time it feels impossible to explain what I'm really feeling, like I just can't use words right. Sometimes when I'm having a conversation with someone, I can feel myself slipping down the hill of their understanding, all the while trying so hard to communicate what I'm thinking or feeling in a way they can understand. However, so much of the time the interaction ends up crumbling into a sorry, awkward exchange that leaves me feeling like a bugged humanoid, a droid with beetles in my brain and a sock in my mouth. It can make me feel like trying to connect with people is a lost cause, like everytime I'm bound to stand there, awkwardly smiling, wondering If they think I'm strange, or if what I said just sounded like nonsense, not knowing if it's all in my head. But making art feels very different. Whether it's carefully arranging words in an effort to explain something abstract or painting a simple landscape, artistic expression allows me to share parts of the world I see through my eyes. On a good day, I don't feel required to explain myself, or justify what i'm feeling. I can create or project an image or idea that takes some of the "feeling different" weight off. Creations become like parts of myself, exposed to the world a little at a time, like detaching a hand and laying in the sunlight to remind yourself that you won't burn up and turn to dust, and disappear, but continue existing in a way that is unique to you and not something to be ashamed of.
I chose this piece because I love the way it makes me feel. It feels gentle, soft and kind, It reminds me that strength is found in weakness and that peace is possible. Much of the time I struggle feeling confident in my abilities or valid while explaining my experiences, but not in art. Art makes me feel strong and capable and worthy. That's why I love it so much, and think it's so incredible.